
This website is an archive of blog posts from 2004 to 2012 that mainly focused on youth work and youth ministry.


I’m Jon

This blog started in April 2004 as an experiment. Its purpose was to allow me space to critically reflect on my youth work practice, like a public journal. I found that by writing up my thoughts for others to read, it enabled me to better understand my own actions.

In 2006 I decided to focus this site on my experiences in youth work and youth ministry, and I wrote on this topic for over 6 years posting relevant news, information and resources for those working with young people in both secular or faith-based environments. My writing here led directly to a number of other opportunities including penning regular articles for magazines, and the opening chapter in ‘Journeying Together‘ a text book on growing youth work in local communities.

For many years I was a Youth Work Manager in Littlehampton, West Sussex, UK. I got involved in children’s and youth work in 1991 when I started volunteering at a church club aged 11. Years of running that club led me to a part-time, temporary role for The WIRE Project (under Spurgeon’s) which soon became a full-time post including training at YMCA George Williams College thanks to The Rank Foundation. I worked at The WIRE for 8 years developing relationships with children, young people and families in the local community, during which time we gained much recognition for our creative and groundbreaking work. The project closed in March 2007 but I continued the same work through Arun Church where I oversaw the children’s & youth work. Eventually I moved into the management and operations of the church charities and am part of the leadership team.

I hold a professional JNC youth work qualification in Informal & Community Education. You can view my full CV on my LinkedIn profile.