100 Best Websites for Youth Ministry

youthwork mag edit

I was a little bemused over the weekend when a friend tweeted me I had made Youthwork Magazine’s 100 Best Websites for Youth Ministry.


The magazine gets delivered to the church office, so I wasn’t aware of it or able to check it out until yesterday.

I’m honoured to be included in such a list alongside other websites that I consider to be brilliant. However, I was very amused to discover that I’m listed at the significant place of 99 out of 100!

youthwork mag edit
Keeping me humble…

It has led to no end of jokes from friends, so I’m considering a new tagline for this website: “99th out of 100 best websites for youth ministry!”

What do you think? 😉

3 responses to “100 Best Websites for Youth Ministry”

  1. Chris avatar

    Having not seen the magazine I’m laughing even more to have been name no. 98! Need to catch up with you soon Jon.

    1. Jon avatar

      Yeah, I was gutted Chris! 😉

      Let me know when you’re free…