I know I stated that I wasn’t going to post anymore over the next month, but I just received a letter from YMCA George Williams College that I have gained a 1st Class Honours Degree in Informal & Community Education.
I’ve been studying for the degree part-time since 2004 via distance learning and have really enjoyed the experience. I thought this was news worth sharing, but will now go back to blog silence for a few weeks!
11 responses to “All Finished!”
Fantastic – congratulations! All the hard work was worth while. Take the rest of the summer off ;o)
Well done Jon, that's excellent!
Nice of them to finish it off with a demand for library books!
Ha! Thanks Amy, I thought the same thing!
“You’ve done really well but if you don’t bring the books back we’ll cancel the degree!”
Thanks Roger. I tried replying to your last comment but my browser crashed! Sorry about that, and welcome to the blog.
Well done!!! News worth sharing.
Congratulations Jon, been following the blog a while, thought I would comment on your great news well done! Alastair
Top job, well done
(I was amused that the degree is effectively ransom until you return your library books)
fabulous – well done, we bow at your feet
Congratulations – an era ends!
Congratulations 🙂