All Finished!

I know I stated that I wasn’t going to post anymore over the next month, but I just received a letter from YMCA George Williams College that I have gained a 1st Class Honours Degree in Informal & Community Education.

I’ve been studying for the degree part-time since 2004 via distance learning and have really enjoyed the experience. I thought this was news worth sharing, but will now go back to blog silence for a few weeks!

11 responses to “All Finished!”

  1. Ricky Rew avatar
    Ricky Rew

    Fantastic – congratulations! All the hard work was worth while. Take the rest of the summer off ;o)

  2. Amy Stock avatar
    Amy Stock

    Well done Jon, that's excellent!
    Nice of them to finish it off with a demand for library books!

    1. Jon Jolly avatar

      Ha! Thanks Amy, I thought the same thing!

      “You’ve done really well but if you don’t bring the books back we’ll cancel the degree!”

  3. Roger avatar


    1. Jon Jolly avatar

      Thanks Roger. I tried replying to your last comment but my browser crashed! Sorry about that, and welcome to the blog.

  4. Tim Abbott avatar

    Well done!!! News worth sharing.

  5. Alastair McKinley avatar

    Congratulations Jon, been following the blog a while, thought I would comment on your great news well done! Alastair

  6. Youthblog avatar

    Top job, well done
    (I was amused that the degree is effectively ransom until you return your library books)

  7. roy avatar

    fabulous – well done, we bow at your feet

  8. Chris avatar

    Congratulations – an era ends!

  9. Tim Davies avatar

    Congratulations 🙂