
Regular readers and casual visitors will have noticed some problems on this site recently!

Due to a rogue plugin, the whole site has been offline for some time. In addition, when I finally got it working the same post seems to have been published about 500 times! Agh!
I think the issue is now resolved, but I want to apologize (especially to those using the rss feed) for the inconvenience.

There will be no more posts for the next 2 weeks as I’m on holiday in Greece. I managed to fix the website with simply my iPhone and a wifi hotspot on the island of Paros! Hopefully I can now get back to enjoying the holiday.

See you soon!

5 responses to “Apologies!”

  1. Dave Johnson avatar

    Go enjoy your holiday! And stop worrying about your blog and website!

  2. Brian avatar

    Glad to have you back. I got a little worried when I tried to log on and nothing came up!

  3. Chris avatar

    Glad you spotted it, was entertaining seeing it eight times over in my Google Reader. Enjoy the rest of your time away.

  4. Chris avatar

    Glad you spotted it, was entertaining seeing it eight times over in my Google Reader. Enjoy the rest of your time away.

  5. Chris avatar

    Glad you spotted it, was entertaining seeing it eight times over in my Google Reader. Enjoy the rest of your time away.