
Ever since we got married young at the age of twenty, other people have expected Kirsty and I to start producing babies rather quickly. I must admit, I do get a bit of a kick out of proving them all wrong!

Perhaps the funniest moment was when my nan approached Kirsty one Sunday morning with the words “Congratulations! When were you going to tell us?”

Apparently the rumour had gone round the Thursday ladies meeting that Kirsty was pregnant, and my nan was quite indignant that she hadn’t been one of the first to know!

Anyway, this was all prompted by the news today that Jamie & Merve are having their baby boy on Monday (they’re not prophetic, they’ve just got a caesarean booked). Congratulations guys, you’ll make great parents!

2 responses to “Babies!”

  1. Dave Johnson avatar

    And there was me thinking that you’d announced something incredibly exclusive and that Kirsty was expecting.

  2. […] December 1, 2006 in Personal with 1 Comment […]