

This morning at church I was privileged enough to be involved in the baptism of Dan, one the young people in the church. I’ve been Dan’s youth leader in one capacity or other for around six years so when he phoned during the week to ask if I would help, I was really keen. In fact, I think I was a little too excited as my voice went up a few octaves while I babbled “Wow! That would be great!” as if someone had just offered me a year’s supply of free coffee. Thankfully Dan wasn’t put off and said I could still dunk him.

I’m not sure of all of the differences between baptism across the denominations but in our church, due to holding our Sunday services in a school sports hall, we’ve come up with the practical solution of a collapsible ‘tank’ that is assembled at the front of the hall where we submerse people backwards from a sitting position. The tank is about 5 foot long and the fact that Dan is around 6′ 8″ caused some logistical problems but we got there in the end! The part I played was to kneel alongside Dan and, with his father, actually baptise him.

I’ve been involved with a few baptisms over the years but they never fail to excite me, I just love the fact that the person is making a public statement about their faith and what Jesus means to them. In the case of Dan, I’ve watched as he’s grown in his understanding until ready to make that statement. Youthwork really is the best job in the world!

4 responses to “Baptism”

  1. Anna avatar

    no ways. We had Baptisms at Church on Sunday too. Lots of new Christians geting baptised. It’s incredible, and if we feel amazed each and every time that’s only the teeniest weeniest feeling in comparison to what God does………… WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anna avatar

    no ways. We had Baptisms at Church on Sunday too. Lots of new Christians geting baptised. It’s incredible, and if we feel amazed each and every time that’s only the teeniest weeniest feeling in comparison to what God does………… WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sim Dendy avatar
    Sim Dendy

    That’s great news Jon – well done Dan… Is baptising a 6’8″ lad a record??

  4. Sim Dendy avatar
    Sim Dendy

    That’s great news Jon – well done Dan… Is baptising a 6’8″ lad a record??