Bible Text Visualisations

There’s been a lot of activity recently in people mapping data from the Bible into visual representations.

Chris Harrison took the King James Version and produced some beautiful images based on the connections between the passages, before developing a social network representation and distribution of people and places like the image below.

The background is the entire text of the Bible. Floating above it are all of the biblical names. These are positioned according to their average position in the text and lines are rendered to show where the names occur. Font size is proportional to the number of occurrences in the text.

Also, in a similar vein Crossway Books have put together an interactive Social Map of the New Testament that shows the connections between each of the characters.

It’s great to see the Bible being presented in new and exciting ways that allow Christians to interact with the people and stories to see the connections. I’d love to see this kind of research developed into abstract art that illustrated the various scriptures!

ht: Happy Traveller and Think Christian

4 responses to “Bible Text Visualisations”

  1. wall art avatar

    I can't see the image.

  2. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hmm, good point Wall Art. Some of the images are hosted on external websites and may have been removed. Try clicking through to the sites mentioned instead.

  3. wall art avatar

    I can't see the image.

  4. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hmm, good point Wall Art. Some of the images are hosted on external websites and may have been removed. Try clicking through to the sites mentioned instead.