
After only one night on a proper bed, Kirsty and I jumped in the car and drove up to Tenby in South Wales for a few more days under canvas.

The new tent is great with loads of space for us and the ‘bump’, however the weather could be better. We’ve had high winds and loads of rain which about 1 am last night caused a pole in the awning to snap. Guess who had to crawl out in the rain and take it down?

Anyway, being confined to a tent in a field has given us a load of space and a chance to catch up on things. Thanks to my amazing iPhone, I’ve able to catch up on my burgeoning Google Reader (and navigate ourselves around)! I also just finished reading Shane Claibourne’s Jesus For President which is an exciting, inspiring and challenging read (although it repeats material from Irresistable Revolution).

Anyway, should get back to the washing up! Back to civilization on Wednesday.