

This picture is of a billboard on the main highway outside Kuala Lumpur. Kirsty and I travelled past it a few times during our holiday and just had to take a photo as it took us a long time to work out the product it was advertising. Take a close look. Yes, it does actually say “Coffee… Tea… Coffeetea!

We had a great laugh imagining what Coffeetea might be or taste like. It reminded me of the brilliant Fast Show sketch: “Like Cheese? Like Peas? You’ll love Cheezy Peaz!” (Here’s the youTube video for Skweezy Cheezy Peaz)

We tried to buy some coffeetea to bring home but were unable to find it in any of the local supermarkets, so after lots of searching the internet, I’ve actually discovered what coffeetea is and that you can buy it on ebay! So go ahead and order some today…

it’s a favourite among many Malaysians to mix their coffee and tea also known locally as ‘Cham’ or ‘Yin-Yeong’. Coffee Shops and restaurants here serve this as well. A great mix for the lovers of coffee and tea, this one is sure to get conversations started anywhere you serve this!

4 responses to “CoffeeTea”

  1. ben avatar

    oooh, that’s sooo interesting. Thanks for leaving sarcastic comments on my blog!
    See you soon…

  2. ben avatar

    oooh, that’s sooo interesting. Thanks for leaving sarcastic comments on my blog!
    See you soon…

  3. Adrian Oliver avatar

    Hi Guys – the Asians are great at mixing up their words – some repeatable, some not so repeatable…

    T-Shirts too – they have no idea what is written on them.

    God Blessings!

    Chiang Mai, Thailand

  4. Adrian Oliver avatar

    Hi Guys – the Asians are great at mixing up their words – some repeatable, some not so repeatable…

    T-Shirts too – they have no idea what is written on them.

    God Blessings!

    Chiang Mai, Thailand