I just found a link to the funniest Christian parody website yet! Datetosave.com claims to help single Christians bring others into the kingdom through dating. As their tagline reads “Dating to save people from Hell!”
From the site:
Doesn’t God look down on missionary dating and tells us to not be “yoked with unbelievers”?
I looked up yoked, and the dictionary says it’s a “A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together.” I would never encourage anybody to do this on a date… I think the thing that is more important is that we should use our talents for God. If you’re really good at dating, or just really really good looking, then you should use that to bring souls to God.Should you date one person until he comes to Christ, or should you date lots of people?
Jesus told us to reach the “outermost parts of the world.” I mean, I’m not going to fly to Kenya and date some guy who eats worms, but I think for me, “outermost parts of the world” means all the hot guys that live around me here in Fremont, California. But, God told me not to be a polygamist, so the goal would be to dump your boyfriend before witnessing to your next one. If you follow my tips, you should have no problem!
In no way do I endorse the content or views expressed on the site, but it is funny!
Thanks to Marko for the link.