Flickr Photo Attribution

(Image: Creative Commons, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from jorgeandresem’s photostream)

If like me, you use a lot of Creative Commons Licensed images to illustrate your blog posts, then you’ll love this great Flickr Bookmarklet.

Usually to find an appropriate licensed image, I search Flickr then do a lot of copy/pasting to create the text that credits the artist and links back to their image.

Last week Cory Doctorow on Boing Boing asked readers to create a shortcut for this process and within a few hours the Show Flickr Attribution bookmarklet was born.

To use it, simply drag the “show flickr attribution” text into your browsers bookmark bar. Next time you are on the page of an image you want to use, click the button and a dialog box will pop up with the code required. Just copy and paste this into your post. Simples!