Jesus wants to save Christians

Today while working hard in the kitchen, I finally started listening to Rob Bell’s teaching series on ‘Jesus wants to save Christians’. For those of you who regularly listen to the Mars Hill Podcasts, you’ll know that I’m waaaaaay behind (actually these were the first ones I’ve listened too), but I was recommended this series in particular.

The basic thrust of the whole series of talks is that throughout history God’s own people were called to live lives that glorified Him and demonstrated to others who He is. Of course the people rebelled and God sent them to exile. When Jesus came on the scene, he spoke and taught almost exclusively to the Jews (thoroughly religious people) telling them to spiritually come out of exile (stories like the prodigal Son illustrate this) and reminding them of the lives God had called them to leave (light of the world, salt of the earth).

Of course what this means for us today is the same! As followers of Christ we are to show others His glory by living our lives in ways that glorify Him. We are NOT called to be “the moral compass” of the world, criticising or condemning others as so many Christians seem to (or are seen to) do.

There’s a lot more that could be said on this, so I recommend that you subscribe to the podcast and have a listen for yourself.