Kitchen disaster

Kitchen disaster

Originally uploaded by bobweasel.

This is how my kitchen looked at 3pm today. When we decided to buy a new kitchen I should have really thought about how much effort these things take…

In order to put in the kitchen, I first have to put the new floor down but I can’t do that until the walls are rendered, which I can’t do till the wiring is finished which I can’t do till I fit the new spotlights. AND I couldn’t do the spotights until I took down the original ceiling, rewired and put the plasterboard up!

So far I’ve only managed to rip the old ceiling down. It’s been there for 80 years and accumulated a lot of interesting articles like spare pipes, tools, clothing, dust, rat droppings (don’t even get me started on the dead rat smell under the house), toys, electric cables, etc, etc. Needless to say it’s a long and dirty process.

Still, I should have the new ceiling and lights up by Monday!

6 responses to “Kitchen disaster”

  1. Dan Lush avatar
    Dan Lush

    Aaaah the fun. Haven’t actually done it myself but have helped other people. I’m particularly good at the destruction part! Sounds like fun. Have fun!

  2. Dan Lush avatar
    Dan Lush

    Aaaah the fun. Haven’t actually done it myself but have helped other people. I’m particularly good at the destruction part! Sounds like fun. Have fun!

  3. Kat avatar

    Woaaa..looks like a hurricane just hit your kitchen. Good luck 🙂

  4. Kat avatar

    Woaaa..looks like a hurricane just hit your kitchen. Good luck 🙂

  5. Bill avatar

    Take heart that you are doing this yourself and not paying $120,000 for a bunch of amateurs to do it for you, which happened to me. I started a site to document my unhappiness,

    Good Luck

  6. Bill avatar

    Take heart that you are doing this yourself and not paying $120,000 for a bunch of amateurs to do it for you, which happened to me. I started a site to document my unhappiness,

    Good Luck