Lessons from strangers

The other day, I was in Tesco’s queing at one of those self-scanning checkouts. At the till to my right I noticed a young girl aged about 10 or 11 putting in loads of coppers to pay for a 6 pint of milk. Pretty soon all the coins in her hand had gone into the machine, but the display still showed a balance of 9p. With a scared look in her eyes, the girl glanced around before putting the milk in a bag and quickly walking out the door with it.

Although I stood still and did nothing, I thought about calling over a staff member to point out how I had witnessed a terrible and blatant theft. In my head I told myself how outrageous it was that a child would do something so morally wrong and I began to imagine how badly her parents must have taught her – they were probably alcoholics anyway…

As I watched, the guy next in the queue walked up to the checkout. I looked closely to see his anger when he realised what had happened. He saw the outstanding 9p on the screen, smiled, and reached into his pocket. He then quietly paid the remaining money before scanning his own items.

In those few seconds I was shamed. What a great example of the gospel played out before my eyes. The generosity of someone who paid the debt of another happily. And there I was a signed-up follower of Jesus ready to heap judgement and scorn on a child who was a few pence short. I’m so grateful that just when I think I’m doing quite well, God sends a little reminder to let me know that I’m still in need of a saviour too.

8 responses to “Lessons from strangers”

  1. Anna avatar

    What a great ‘testimony’ Jon. I thought that lil girl could have been someone I taught at school…

    Anyways. You really should see our blog today. Ryan has bought something… Yes it’s a fruit, no, not an orange, but an I’ll let you guess what it is!

    Awaiting the awakening of Bethany, she’s a very good sleeper. Hoping that I teach her to pay in full at the self-scanner machines.


  2. Anna avatar

    What a great ‘testimony’ Jon. I thought that lil girl could have been someone I taught at school…

    Anyways. You really should see our blog today. Ryan has bought something… Yes it’s a fruit, no, not an orange, but an I’ll let you guess what it is!

    Awaiting the awakening of Bethany, she’s a very good sleeper. Hoping that I teach her to pay in full at the self-scanner machines.


  3. brian heasley avatar

    Great story Jon, I’ve enjoyed checking this out today, do you mind if I put a link to you?

  4. brian heasley avatar

    Great story Jon, I’ve enjoyed checking this out today, do you mind if I put a link to you?

  5. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hi Brian, good to have you on board. šŸ˜‰ I love your blog and the work you’re doing in Ibiza and would be honoured with a link!

  6. Jon avatar

    Hi Brian, good to have you on board. šŸ˜‰ I love your blog and the work you’re doing in Ibiza and would be honoured with a link!

  7. john heasley avatar
    john heasley

    Thanks for the story, I find this happens to me all the time, I get humbled by others, when I’m standing there judging, they are in there doing what Jesus would have done. I suppose it is about choices, I was reminded of this today, sometimes I get angry, when I could just laugh or love. I suppose it comes down to the old WWJD.

  8. john heasley avatar
    john heasley

    Thanks for the story, I find this happens to me all the time, I get humbled by others, when I’m standing there judging, they are in there doing what Jesus would have done. I suppose it is about choices, I was reminded of this today, sometimes I get angry, when I could just laugh or love. I suppose it comes down to the old WWJD.