Matthew 6:32-34

I first posted this in response to Ben’s Blog but it got me thinking! I heard something this week that helped me to make sense of how I live my life. I’ve always thought this, but never been able to articulate it in this way.

Basically, If we seek the Kingdom of God in our daily lives, then the Will of God will find us. That is, if we can just give our all and be the best we can be for Christ each day, then His direction for our lives will come to us and become part of what we are already doing. It kind of explains this in Matthew 6:32-34 where it says our human concerns will be met. What I’m trying to say is, don’t panic about the daily pressures, just do your best and seek God. He will manouvre you into His designs.

This really rings true for me as I never worry about what I’m going ‘to do’ with my life or what ‘my ministry’ will be. If I follow God, he will honour me and lead me in His will.

2 responses to “Matthew 6:32-34”

  1. Rick avatar

    …i like yr blog 😉

  2. Rick avatar

    …i like yr blog 😉