New Look

Ok, so the website’s got a bit of an overhaul thanks to the thoroughly excellent WordPress. I’ve seen a number of WordPress sites in the past, but it was Dan’s Blog that prompted me to finally install it on the server. It’s an incredibly powerful blogging tool, so it’ll take me a while to get it exactly how I want it. Be prepared for some subtle changes over the next few weeks!
In case you’re wondering, my DJ Company has moved here.

4 responses to “New Look”

  1. Dave Johnson avatar

    Hurrah! You finally redesigned your blog. It’s looking good. I’m gonna have to upgrade my install. Mind you, I quite like the minimal look of mine. 😉 You just need to do the rest of your site and Pure Disco! Anyway take care, see you at church, where I’m gonna lend you PHP and MySQL for Dummies. Dave.

  2. Dave Johnson avatar

    Hurrah! You finally redesigned your blog. It’s looking good. I’m gonna have to upgrade my install. Mind you, I quite like the minimal look of mine. 😉 You just need to do the rest of your site and Pure Disco! Anyway take care, see you at church, where I’m gonna lend you PHP and MySQL for Dummies. Dave.

  3. Dan Lush avatar
    Dan Lush

    Welcome to the world of wordpress. Enjoy!

  4. Dan Lush avatar
    Dan Lush

    Welcome to the world of wordpress. Enjoy!