Own Your Space

I spotted this little gem as a retweet from a twitter buddy, but thought it was such a good resource that I needed to post it here.

Own Your Space–Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online” is a fantastic little digital book for teens giving sound advice on all aspects of online life.

Help teens ‘own their space’ online. Whether you are a parent, caregiver, or educator, you can keep up with the latest computer and online safety issues and help kids learn to avoid them. In partnership with security expert and author, Linda McCarthy, we offer a free downloadable version of her new book, “Own Your Space – Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online.” Written for Internet savvy “tweens” and teens specifically, this book is also a useful resource for the adults they rely on.

Each of the 16 short chapters focus on a different topic such as Bullying, Shopping, Social Networks and Private Vs Public Data. In addition, it’s all presented in a simple but fresh style with great anime style illustrations.

The book was written in 2006 by Linda McCarthy, an online security expert. This expanded and fully updated 2010 edition is published under Creative Commons Licensing and with the help of corporate sponsors like Microsoft, is now available for free download from various corporate, non-profit, and social networking sites, including Facebook and MySpace.

So go download it now, and recommend it to all the teens you know!