Palm Sunday


Just a quick post to say that we had an EXCELLENT church service this morning totally prepared and led by the young people!

As part of the World Vision 24 Hour Famine, the group fasted from 6pm Saturday night and then delivered a creatively challenging service on the theme of global poverty. As well as leading the worship, they hosted the event, gave the notices, created some short videos, did a dance and a drama, an activity for the kids, built a ‘slum’ in the church, involved everyone in creative prayer, presented a short talk and hosted a cake sale! The only adults involved in the whole thing were Gareth playing guitar in the band and me doing a quick interview. David, our church elder never even picked up a mic.

Honestly, I was so impressed with them all. Each person in the group really pulled their weight and I’ve been getting amazing feedback from the congregation all day.

Also, in terms of money raised, a whopping £300 was made from the cake sale alone without any of the sponsorship money in yet! The total’s gonna be pretty high! As I’m off on holiday tomorrow, it was a great way to finish up before taking a break (although I’m pretty exhausted now).

Oh and thanks to Adam at YMX for the twitter updates that led to a whole load of Flickr image links! You gotta love the World Wide Web.