
My apologies for the lack of posts this month. My various other responsibilities have been eating into my blogging space – there’s only so many things I can get my head around at one time!

There’s some interesting developments in my work role at Arun Community Church with a leadership transition and subsequent reorganisation. It’s all very exciting, but does have implications for me which we are working through. I’ll post more as things become clear.

In the meantime, I’m going to start posting some excerpts from my chapter in Journeying Together. I’ll have the first part up next week.

Image credit: karola riegler on Flickr

6 responses to “Processing”

  1. chriskidd avatar

    Thinking of and praying for you with all the changes – hope they're positive.

  2. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hi Chris, thanks for the comment. Things are all good, in fact the changes are going to be great – it just takes a while to work everything through. Enjoying the time with Hannah and Daniel?

  3. chriskidd avatar

    Yeah enjoying it. It all feels rather surreal that 1 week has already gone of his life. I've got 2 weeks paternity and 1 week holiday and finding there are moments when it's great fun and I know what to do, and others where I just feel like I get in the way, or we're up half the night and it's not quite so much fun – but I guess that's parenthood. It would be good to see if we could get a date in the diary to get together more than once a year for our annual drink at Youthwork the Conference.

  4. Jon Jolly avatar

    Thanks Chris, that's a great idea! I'll email at some point and see what works best. If it's any consolation, we're still up half the night and Hope's 14 months now…

  5. Ralf avatar

    Hi young parents!
    I just found your dialogue…
    May an old dad of two wonderful daughters (nearly 14 and nearly 11 years old) tell you that:
    Enjoy this time with your babies – even it is hard some times…
    This time of having a little creature of God in your arms is going away so fast…so Boys, be thankful for every moment.
    Four years ago we had nearly lost our little daughter in an accident, so I know, what I´m talking about!
    God´s bless to you and your families!
    from Germany

  6. Jon Jolly avatar

    Thanks Ralf. It is sometimes tough, but being a dad is honestly the best thing in the world!