Soul Survivor Bible In One Year

Today, 1st September 2010, is the start of Soul Survivor’s Bible In One Year. Promoted heavily at the summer festivals, this NIV version is a similar format to many other read-in-a-year Bibles with an Old Testament, New Testament and Psalms/Poetry reading each day. The really interesting and exciting thing about this one is the collaborative effort being promised by the new Bible In One Year Blog. From the blurb:

  • Take thousands of young people all committed to reading the Bible together
  • Add in a brand new arrangement of the Bible, with specific chunks to read each day
  • Start on 1 September, when the new school/uni year is getting going
  • Kick it off with a bit of explanation about how the Bible works and what it contains
  • Mix with online blogs and commentary from Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft, Ali Martin and more
  • Top it up with prayer, good friends, supportive youth leaders – and a lot of help from God.

A number of our young people were keen to purchase a copy and we’ve committed as a group to get stuck in together. The great thing though is that you don’t actually need a ‘Soul Survivor Bible In One Year’ to follow along. The references and notes should be posted on the blog each day, and being a geeky kind of youth worker, I’ve plugged the RSS feed into our youth group’s Facebook page so they’ll get each day’s notes popping up in their News Feed!

While there are many other Bible reading plans and various notes available, it’s great that such a large youth organisation are encouraging young people to read the Bible together.

6 responses to “Soul Survivor Bible In One Year”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jon Jolly, Jon Jolly. Jon Jolly said: Online and collaborative 'Bible In One Year' launches for young people […]

  2.  avatar

    How do you link the RSS feed to the facebook page, that sounds really clever and something I’d love to do to help my young people.

  3. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hi Chris,

    The simplest method is to import the RSS feed through Facebook’s ‘Notes’ feature. Every profile and page has Notes. Just click on it, then click “Edit import settings” on the bottom of the left column. Then add the RSS feed URL and save. It’ll then import every post as a note.

    However, because I wanted the feed to show up in everyone’s News Feed and on the page, I used a brilliant Facebook App called RSS Graffiti:
    It’s got some powerful features and can handle importing hundreds of feeds at the same time!

    Add the application to your profile, then go and configure it. It will show all of your groups, pages and profiles and you can then set various feeds to go separately to each one. I set it to post the Bible In One Year feed directly to the page wall. Hope that helps!

  4.  avatar

    Sounds great, had a quick play but it keeps saying:

    Some of the permissions required to allow RSS Graffiti to function properly are missing. Consult the setup checklist bellow for details. Please click on the button bellow to grant required permissions.

    I click the button and it makes no difference, there is still:

    Allow Publishing: Pending

    Did you have this problem?

  5. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hmm, not sure Chris. You have to give the application overall permission (by clicking application settings at the top of the left hand column), then specific permissions to post to the page (found by selecting the page from the left hand column).

    I only had to do these two steps before I was able to enter and configure the feed.

  6. […] 2, 2010 Jon helpfully posted on the Soul Survivor Bible In One Year.  Similar to Jon many of the young people who we sent to Momentum have come back enthusiastic […]