Sponsor My Skydive!

(Image credit: Andy Ciordia on Flickr)

On 14th May this year, I will be doing my first ever skydive! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and my beautiful wife Kirsty arranged it as a surprise birthday present back in December.

To make the jump worthwhile, I’m going to do it on behalf of Links International, a local charity run by friends that makes a huge difference across the world. There are millions of charities who deserve your money, but Links are a small outfit doing great work quietly and faithfully.

Links International ‘links’ with partners in the west and in developing countries to inspire, empower, train and resource individuals and communities to break free from poverty and disease.

This is achieved through micro-enterprise, community healthcare, income-generating projects, resources, training and strategic partnerships. The result is holistic and sustainable!

Please head to their website and get a taster of the fantastic work this small team are enabling. They really do make an amazing difference to people’s lives:

Micro-enterprise achieves so much more than simply providing income for food, clothing and education. It empowers, restores dignity, and ensures sustainable poverty relief. Links International has established micro-enterprise initiatives in Uganda, Malawi, Kenya, Colombia, Nepal, the Middle East, five throughout India and two in Peru. A great training programme, careful selection of indigenous administrators and ongoing oversight has resulted in a 95% loan repayment.

To physically do the jump, I’ve got to pay £290 to cover the cost of the skydive. I have mostly covered that amount and have also received some donations towards the charity already. Any additional money from here on in goes directly to the Links International.

Make a donation:
So this is where you come in! Can you spare a few pounds for a good cause? Maybe you just want to see me jump out of a plane? Please use the form embedded below (or click here) to make a pledge. I haven’t got a way to take payments online yet, but will be in touch if you decide to donate.

Of course, I’ll keep you all updated on how it goes via the blog and twitter. Thanks for your support!

One response to “Sponsor My Skydive!”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jon Jolly. Jon Jolly said: Just Blogged: Sponsor My Skydive! http://is.gd/b8fL3 […]