Sunday Shares: 26 January 2009

The following links are items that I have read and shared through Google Reader in the last 7 days. Some will be youth work or youth ministry related, while others are of personal interest. You can view my full shared items here.

4 responses to “Sunday Shares: 26 January 2009”

  1. jeremy zach avatar

    first of all thanks for the pingback.

    I love your blog and i love that you are from the UK. Happy Days!
    You familiar with Pete Ward? He has wrote: Liquid Church and God at the Mall.

    I am going to add you to my blogroll.

  2. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. Yeah, I've read some of Pete's stuff – I'm surprised you've heard of Liquid Church. I didn't think it got much press in the US!

    You are also added to my blogroll now! Thanks for challenging my thinking.

  3. jeremy zach avatar

    first of all thanks for the pingback.

    I love your blog and i love that you are from the UK. Happy Days!
    You familiar with Pete Ward? He has wrote: Liquid Church and God at the Mall.

    I am going to add you to my blogroll.

  4. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. Yeah, I've read some of Pete's stuff – I'm surprised you've heard of Liquid Church. I didn't think it got much press in the US!

    You are also added to my blogroll now! Thanks for challenging my thinking.