Tagging & Sharing

So if you’re into blogging or have a strong online presence, this post isn’t going to excite you as you probably already do this. It’s a little bit geeky. Sorry.

Still reading? Good! 🙂

I basically wanted to flag up a way of auto-filtering relevant online content through the use of strategic tagging. If you blog, upload to youTube, or use a bookmarking site you’ll know that you can ‘tag’ any item with relevant words which relate to its content. From Wikipedia:

A tag is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to a piece of information (such as an internet bookmark, digital image, or computer file). This kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching.

For example at the UkYouthOnline UnConference, Tim asked people to tag any blog posts or media with “ukyouthonline”. Using Twemes, you can see all the twitter posts that were tagged in this way! You can do the same for blog posts and flickr photos.

So now you know how to do this, I wanted to suggest some tags for relevant youth work related content.

  • For items relating to youth work, tag: youthwork
  • For items relating to youth ministry, tag: youthministry
  • For items relating to informal education, tag: infed
  • For items relating to youth work and social networking, tag: ywsn

Check out the websites bookmarked ‘ywsn’ on delicious. You may want to add/suggest other tags, but it would be good if we all get into the habit of easily sharing related items. Any thoughts?

4 responses to “Tagging & Sharing”

  1. Tim Davies avatar

    Hey Jon

    Great post… and great idea to encourage more youth work tagging (infed! of course! I was really stuck thinking of the right non-general not-too-long-winded tag for youth work that wasn’t youth ministry…)

    It might be interesting to read a bit about the learning of the nptech tag community to explore how we can really get tags to help generate shared learning: http://unthinkingly.com/2007/01/10/understanding-a-community-tag-the-history-of-nptech/

    If you’re trying to encourage current non-taggers to start tagging – then you might find my One Pager on del.icio.us helpful http://www.timdavies.org.uk/2007/10/18/social-bookmarking-one-page-a4/ (as well as the Commoncraft video on social bookmarking http://www.commoncraft.com/bookmarking-plain-english)

  2. Tim Davies avatar

    Hey Jon

    Great post… and great idea to encourage more youth work tagging (infed! of course! I was really stuck thinking of the right non-general not-too-long-winded tag for youth work that wasn’t youth ministry…)

    It might be interesting to read a bit about the learning of the nptech tag community to explore how we can really get tags to help generate shared learning: http://unthinkingly.com/2007/01/10/understanding-a-community-tag-the-history-of-nptech/

    If you’re trying to encourage current non-taggers to start tagging – then you might find my One Pager on del.icio.us helpful http://www.timdavies.org.uk/2007/10/18/social-bookmarking-one-page-a4/ (as well as the Commoncraft video on social bookmarking http://www.commoncraft.com/bookmarking-plain-english)

  3. Jon Jolly avatar

    Hi Tim, thanks for the heads up with the links.

    Just a note though, the links to the One Page pdf files on your blog are broken. They have an extra /tag/onepage/ extension in the url. Might want to look into that one!


  4. Jon avatar

    Hi Tim, thanks for the heads up with the links.

    Just a note though, the links to the One Page pdf files on your blog are broken. They have an extra /tag/onepage/ extension in the url. Might want to look into that one!
