Teenage gestures

It was possibly not the most subtle thing he could have done, but 17 year old Ryan Florence made a ‘gun’ sign when David Cameron visited his estate, and has caused another huge debate in the media over anti-social behaviour. Click here for the full story.

From the article:

The youth, 17-year-old Ryan Florence, is electronically tagged after being in a young offenders’ institution.

Florence, who served four months for burglary and street robbery, told the BBC the gesture was just “messing about”.

“He says he’s coming round to stop the crime and that, but what’s he doing? He’s not stopping us, is he?,” he said.

He has said he is in a gang called Benchill Mad Dogs and regularly smokes cannabis and takes cocaine.

He told the BBC: “Drugs are everywhere here. I smoke weed every day and all my friends do as well. There’s nothing wrong with it as long as you don’t get caught.”

Personally, I think that Mr Cameron is onto some good things regarding his approach to young people. After his surprisingly insightful view of young people in hoodies, he’s also now talking about local community initiatives and supporting single parent families. Let’s hope he can deliver more than some smooth words.

He said more money should be given to community workers – not bureaucrats – who make a “real difference” to people’s lives. He also talked about absentee fathers, as well as getting to the “roots of crime”.