Values Session 3: Follow (Part 2)

Image Credit: otherthings
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This is part of an 11-session series for 11-14 year olds, teaching our mission statement and the importance of it’s values:

We exist to learn to follow Jesus, to show honour to God, to use our gifts to serve, to support each other, and to share our faith.

Session Aim: To understand how we should go about following Jesus.

Activity: Fitting Description
Ask a volunteer to step out of the room and listen outside the door. Then ask everyone else to describe the person who stepped out. Ask for details on their hair, clothes, eyes, make-up, shoes, scars, moles, etc (don’t get too personal). When they’ve finished, get the individual to come back in so everyone can see how accurate the description was. Some may find it easy, others may be totally wrong!
Explain that it can be difficult to know exactly what someone looks like, without spending time paying lots of attention to them. How can we follow Jesus if we don’t spend time finding out what He is like?

Read: 1 John 2:3-6

We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

Illustration: Blindfold Challenge
Choose someone to blindfold and then give them a task to do, e.g. draw a picture, make their way across the room. Obviously they will find this difficult, so then allow one person to help them out, e.g. guide their hand, give directions. Explain that having someone to follow makes things much easier for us. As Christians we must follow Jesus! Jesus said “I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness but will have the light that gives life” (John 8:12).


  • If we are a Christian, we should “walk as Jesus did”, what does that mean?
  • Can you think of examples of how Jesus lived his life? How might you do the same?
  • Do you think that you obey God’s word? Why or why not?
  • Is following Jesus easy? What happened to Him?


  • Pray that you can start to follow Jesus’ example. Ask God to challenge you about how you live.
  • Pray for any issues affecting the group this week.

Why not try spending at least 5 minutes each day in prayer to God? Try to get into the habit of praying regularly just as Jesus did.

Further Reading: Luke 9:23-24

Jesus said to all of them, “If people want to follow me, they must give up the things they want. They must be willing to give up their lives daily to follow me. Those who want to save their lives will give up true life. But those who give up their lives for me will have true life..