Values Session 4: Honour (Part 1)

Image Credit: otherthings
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This is part of an 11-session series for 11-14 year olds, teaching our mission statement and the importance of it’s values:

We exist to learn to follow Jesus, to show honour to God, to use our gifts to serve, to support each other, and to share our faith.

Session Aim: To look at what it means to honour God

Activity: Barmy Bowing Bonanza
Split the group so that they stand on opposite sides of the room. Explain that all they have to do is walk around the room, BUT they must be polite and courteous to everyone else and not allow their backs to be shown to anyone! At all times they must face towards the others and bow to them while saying “How do you do”. In practice this means that they must think and move very carefully to avoid ‘offending’ anyone by showing them their back. If a leaders spots that a back has been shown to someone, that person is out. Keep going until only one or two are left in. Try this game a few times.
Explain that showing honour is about giving proper respect to something, like bowing to the Queen. God deserves all of our honour and respect.

Read: Matthew 22:35-38

One Pharisee, who was an expert on the law of Moses, asked Jesus this question to test him: “Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?”
Jesus answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and most important command.

Illustration: The Incredibles
Show the clip from near the end of the movie (Chapter 29, 1:36:00 – 1:37:48) when the Incredibles beat the giant robot and the crowd come out to applaud them. Explain that everyone wanted to show their thanks and appreciation for what they had done. We are constantly told by the Bible to do the same thing for God!


  • Who do you have respect for? Why?
  • In what ways do you show respect to God at the moment? Are there ways that you could show more honour?
  • Honour and Respect is sometimes explained as Worship. Have you ever had a time when you really worshipped God and thanked Him for what he’s done?


  • Pray that God will help you to realise ways in which you can give Him more honour.
  • Pray for any issues affecting the group this week.

Try to spend a few minutes each day saying thanks to God for something, even if it’s something really small. This is part of honouring Him.

Further Reading: Proverbs 15:33

Respect for the Lord will teach you wisdom.
If you want to be honoured, you must be humble.