Voluntary Sector Cuts is a new collaborative project which maps intelligence about voluntary groups experiencing reductions in public sector funding.
If you’re involved in a voluntary or community group which has been told its statutory funding will be reduced, you can be part of this work by sharing your story. Just fill in the simple form to share your experiences and the impact the cuts will have on the people who use your services. Your contribution will be crucial to building a wider picture of the scale of the challenge ahead in your community, your region, or nationally.
When I accessed the site today, there were 222 cuts reported so far, worth £42,045,710.
All the partner organisations involved in this project work hard to support, campaign for and lobby on behalf of their members. This information will help them better target their support, and provide real life examples to show politicians and civil servants the impact of cuts on voluntary organisations and their beneficiaries.
But we also hope that by making the data public we can also help other groups campaign on behalf of voluntary organisations, and keep citizens informed of the impact of the cuts on charities in their local area.
2 responses to “Voluntary Sector Cuts”
I think one of the most surprising things about all these voluntary sector cuts is just how much these organisations depended on government or local authority spending to carry out their work. This kind of begs the questions:
If so much front-line work was being commissioned in such a fashion then what were the council-led services doing?
Should the voluntary sector be more about volunteers doing something that the community needs than paid staff chasing pots of money to deliver services the funder wants?
Hi Chris, as usual you bring a challenging question! I had simply thought of the cuts mapping as an exercise showing the amount of services being lost. You raise a good point: should these services be running in ways that don’t require such an investment from the government anyway?