Lars Rood has been writing some very honest topics about on his blog recently.
Has latest is ‘Why working at a church can be lame‘. As someone who is currently employed by a church, I found it pretty interesting! I must point out at this stage that I do love my job. It is good to be critically reflective though and stay aware of the potential issues.
There are some cultural differences between the States and the UK in how churches operate, but some things are universal. He calls out the fact that often people aren’t qualified for the roles they hold, that churches always need money, and that we are always expected to be “nice” even when people are way out of order:
The unfortunate thing here is that when we do stand up for ourselves or say what we think we often get criticized for that because that’s not the “christian” way. It’s a really fine line and many haven’t learned to walk it very well.
Click through to read the full article and be sure to check out the comments too!
Image Credit: Church Sign – Nanoose, British Columbia from alannavanisle’s photostream