WordPress internals

I’ve been playing around with some settings in the wordpress dashboard for this site. The first thing I’ve done is changed the permalink structure. Now, instead of the url for each post being http://jonjolly.com/?p=120 they are something more memorable such as http://jonjolly.com/2006/10/08/Wordpress-internals. This may mean that some links to old pages have been changed, so let me know if you find any broken ones.

Apparently you can also hack the url when permalinks are set like this. By deleting the end part to http://jonjolly.com/2006/10 you will get all my blog posts for October 06.
The other thing I did was work out what’s slowing the site down! Most of you have pointed out that the blog doesn’t load – either timing out or showing an error message. It seems the new widget plugin is the culprit as when I deactivate it, the site loads like a dream. This causes some problems however as I’ve set up a few widgets that I particularly want to keep. Hopefully I can find some documentation on how to speed it up again.