1st December is World AIDS Day and I’ve been asked to take some school assemblies on the subject next week. While I haven’t fully worked out what I’m going to do in my allotted eight minutes, I’ve found some resources that may be of use to others in the same position. Feel free to browse the links below and add your own in the comments!
- worldaidsday.org – the official website of World AIDS Day with loads of information and the official brochure for 2009.
- A World AIDS Day assembly outline from UNICEF designed for use in secondary schools.
- Another secondary assembly outline from Teachernet.
- Links to various AIDS related articles on Guardian website
- areyouhivprejudiced.org – a website full of resources and advice dedicated to transforming society’s response to HIV. The site includes a school pack with lesson and assembly ideas, including downloadable powerpoints
Cross-posted on the schoolswork.co.uk website