

It must have been about 10 years ago when I first realised my true love (Kirsty was 2 years later). Having been brought up in a Christian family I’ve always known God in my life, but I distinctly remember spending many hours as a teenager in loud, passionate worship events like Cutting Edge and coming to an understanding of what He has asked of me: to be a worshipper.

Music really stirs me and I listen to a wide variety. I even play guitar a little and write some songs, but I don’t feel my job is necessarily to be a ‘Worship Leader’. God has called me just simply to worship Him however I can; through music, writing, praying or just walking through life with an awe and wonder for His character. I absolutely LOVE it! However, in the daily grind of life I can tend to let my passion slide a little and it takes me some time to realise all over again what He wants from me as a worshipper.

My life has been so busy these last 2 months that I’ve had to reassess my workload and lifestyle just to spend time with the people who matter to me. This painful process of pulling back, saying “No” and turning people away has been a steep learning curve where I know I’ve let people down. Now I’m not there yet as Kirsty will tell you, but in all this hurt and disappointment has been the unexpected outcome of finding space for God again. I wasn’t aware that I’d pushed Him out, but I’ve found new meaning in the words “Coming back to the heart of worship”.

At SLAM on Thursday, we hosted a ‘worship night’. It was a strange and humbling experience, leading 35 teenagers in worship. With many non-church kids and some apathetic church kids too, we were thrilled to see the Holy Spirit turn up and touch their lives in a very tangible way, three making first time commitments to Jesus! It seems that James 4:8 is scarily accurate: “Come near to God and he will come near to you”. I can’t wait for church tomorrow as we have the priviledge of leading the congregation in worship. It’s gonna be great!