Young people warned over social websites

The BBC are running a story today about the dangers of posting too much information to social networking websites like MySpace, FaceBook, etc. While this information is nothing new (stories of cyber-theft, bullying and suicide have been coming thick and fast for a while) the article comes at the angle of how this information can ruin future careers.

Some 71% of 2,000 14 to 21-year-olds said they would not want colleges or employers to do a web search on them before they had removed some material.

The Government’s Information Commissioner’s Office found half of those they surveyed made personal information public.

“The cost to a person’s future can be very high if something undesirable is found by the increasing number of education institutions and employers using the internet as a tool to vet potential students or employees. This shows that when young people are made aware that their details could be being passed between parties – legitimate or unscrupulous – they are worried. We have to help teenagers wise up to every aspect of the internet age they’re living in.

To this end the ICO have launched a website aimed at letting young people know their information rights.