These are my youth work, youth ministry, childrens ministry and schools work links for 15th March to 19th March. For more related links, check out my links page
- The Youth of Today – The Youth of Today offers skills, opportunities and networks to help 13-19 year olds become leaders of change.
- exploRE: Resources for Schools – exploRE is a resource for use with 11-14 years olds as part of their Religious Education lessons in school, giving students the opportunity to investigate the Christian faith in a way that is fresh, engaging and relevant to their everyday lives.
- exploRE TV – exploRE TV provides a collection of short dramas, vox pops and talking heads from Christians today to offer insights into just these questions.
- About Our Boys – Lucinda Neall – Whether it is at home, in school or in our neighbourhood, adults need to engage positively with boys. If we make our boys feel valued, respected and part of the community, then they, in turn, are likely to value and respect their community, and grow into responsible citizens and loving husbands and fathers.
- How to Set Up a Voluntary Youth Club : DOPCANDY – The idea of setting up a youth club may seem somewhat overwhelming, but it’s actually relatively straightforward. This is how to do it.