These are my youth work, youth ministry, childrens ministry and schools work links for 1st July to 31st August. For more related links, check out my links page
- The Bible in One Year – Soul Survivor's Bible In One Year blog. A space for us all to share our thoughts, questions, inspirations and challenges as we read The Bible in One Year together!
- Helping Parents to Train Their Children for Christ – Disciple Like Jesus – Are you interested in raising your children for the glory of God? That's a good thing, because most children from Christian homes are primarily being discipled in the ways of the world, and most are leaving the church just after finishing high school. Learn why this problem exists, and what parents, grandparents and pastors can do about it.
- Author: More teens becoming ‘fake’ Christians – – Kenda Creasy Dean says more American teenagers are embracing what she calls "moralistic therapeutic deism." Translation: It's a watered-down faith that portrays God as a "divine therapist" whose chief goal is to boost people's self-esteem.
- Facebook Places as a Youth Group Game | Youth Specialties – With more than 500 million active Facebook users and the rapid expansion of GPS-enabled smart phones hitting the adolescent market, there's a good chance youth workers will need to take notice.
- When we were young: The milestones of youth and rebellion – This Britain, UK – The Independent – Britain is facing a teen shortage. According to a recent Office for National Statistics survey, the number of teenagers – defined as the 15-24 age group – is set to decrease by 5 per cent during the next five years. This is one result of the mini "baby slump" that occurred towards the end of the Seventies – caused by more widespread family planning and poor economic conditions.