These are my youth work, youth ministry, childrens ministry and schools work links for 7th December to 23rd February. For more related links, check out my links page
- Aiming High for Young People: Engaging through social media – Every Child Matters – DCSF have created a set of materials to help communicate and collaborate with young people through social media and inspiring video content. This advice will help reach out to a youth audience by promoting activities and encouraging innovative ways of communicating.
- The Barna Group – New Research Explores the Long-Term Effect of Spiritual Activity among Children and Teens – What is the connection between childhood faith and adult religious commitment? A recent study conducted by the Barna Group provides new insights into this age-old question.
- Assembly ideas – Assembly ideas and other bits for schools!
- REYouthPastor –– a youth ministry website that reactivates amateur theologians and missonal leaders within the youth pastor population.
- DCSF Publications: Risky Behaviour and Social Activities – A sudy to explore whether risky behaviour is reinforced or counterbalanced by various types of social and individual activities and the impacts on educational outcomes at age 16.