These are my youth work, youth ministry, childrens ministry and schools work links for 7th September to 29th September. For more related links, check out my links page
- Home Page – The online resource for all those looking for ideas, games and things to do for children and youth
- The enemies of reason: Agendas, idleness and collateral damage: A scout leader writes – A scout leader explains how the Mail on Sunday grossly misrepresented the organisation to match their agenda.
- Girl Guides and Lib Dems join forces to ban airbrushed ads – Children & Young People Now – Girl Guiding UK is backing a Liberal Democrats campaign to ban the airbrushing of models in adverts aimed at young people.
- BBC NEWS | Education | Teachers spot trouble in a name – Teachers can tell which pupils are likely to play up just by looking at their names, a survey suggests
- Teaching assistants do not improve attainment – Children & Young People Now – Teaching assistants do nothing to improve pupils' academic attainment, a government report has found.