History of Youth Work Conference 2011

After being postponed from this month due to venue problems, the Bi-annual History of youth and Community Conference is now going ahead on the 14-16th October 2011 in Northern College near Barnsley, South Yorkshire. This is the 6th conference of its kind and is organised by the editorial board of Youth & Policy.

…it will include a mix of plenary sessions, workshops and ‘surprise’ events. Amongst the plenary speakers will be Gillian Darley, the historian and author of the standard biography of Octavia Hill and the recently re-published Villages of Vision, on historical attempts to develop planned community; and the historian, author and adult educator Nigel Todd on the first 100 years of the Workers’ Education Association. To mark the 100th Centenary of the National Association of Girls’ Clubs (now UKYouth) there will be a symposium on the history of youth work with girls and young women.

At the heart of each conference are the workshops. As before some of these will focus on the historical development of practice in countries outside the UK. A feature of this conference is that around a third of those attending volunteer to deliver a workshop. This will we hope be once again a relaxed gathering of enthusiasts keen to talk to and learn from each other. Amongst the topics for which workshops have already been offered are pioneering girls’ clubs; village colleges and community schooling; Scouting; community education; Sunday Schools; the education and training of youth workers; the origins of the current crisis in youth work; Amelia Earhart; the Cutteslowe Wall, Oxford; and the history of the National Association of Girls’ Clubs.

The cost of the event is £215 for residential or £150 non-residential. You can get a booking form and further details by emailing conferences@youthandpolicy.org